If the device is not responding to button presses, there are several basic troubleshooting steps to determine the problem

1. Confirm that the L.E.D. is lit on the device

    a. If the L.E.D. is not lit, check and make sure that power is reaching the device, and that it is wired correctly

        1. If there is power to the device, please call or submit a ticket and indicate that the L.E.D. is not lit and there is power to the device

2. Press the test button several times to see if it turns the load on and off. (The test button is the Select button on the xUV series, and the clear button on other devices)

    a. If the load goes on and off, proceed to step 3. If the load does not toggle, call and speak with a technical support representative or submit a ticket indicating that the device does not respond to the test button.

3. Re-link the switch in the desired mode, then use the switch to turn the load on and off. Sometimes brownouts can clear the memory on certain products.

4. Watch or have someone watch the L.E.D. on the device while you or someone presses the buttons on the switch. If the L.E.D. does not flicker as you press the button, then it is not receiving a signal from the switch. 

    a. If it appears the device is not receiving a signal, please call or submit a ticket and indicate that it appears to not be receiving a signal from the switch