This article is for the E9X-R12-3HOTP, E9X-R24-3HOTP, and E9X-R27-3HOTP.

Note: The relay receiver must be powered on while linking. After linking, the relay receiver will retain the settings in the event of power loss. When in link mode, the relay receiver's communication range is shortened to prevent accidental interference from other transmitters. For best results, transmitters should be within 15 ft. (5 m) of the relay receiver when linking.

Basic Linking 

Linking the following devices in link mode one will have these applications:

Wireless Switch - Press top for on, press bottom for off.

Occupancy sensor - Auto on/Auto off if no switch is linked, Manual on/Auto off if a switch is linked

Switch Leg Transmitter - Circuit Interlock

Window/Door Sensor - Closed-ON, Open-Off

Light Sensor - On when light level is below set point, Off if above set point.

If you need different functionality from any of the devices, see Operating Mode Descriptions and Advanced Linking.

Linking Instructions:

1. Press and Hold LNK button for 3 seconds then release. The relay will toggle a steady pattern indicating basic link mode is active.

2.To link a switch triple press the top switch button, other devices need a single press on the the LNK button to create a link. Toggling will pause for 3 seconds when a link is created, then toggling will resume.

3.Link additional transmitters (up to 25) as needed. Link mode will exit automatically after 30 seconds of inactivity and toggling will stop.